Color the World

Color the World Projects are about diving deeper into a new culture, while helping create positivity through construction and renovation projects. This program gives educational opportunities to youth through educational immersion in new countries.

Costs: Costs vary by Color the Community Participants, project location, and personal supplies such as passports and vaccines. We begin planning trips in early fall to give youth time to come up with the difference, and can cost anywhere between $1800-3700. Scholarships are available on a need basis.

About the Trips:

Starting point

In order to qualify for these trips, Students must engage in the Color the Community projects in order to be eligible for these trips. Travelers must be over the age of 16 and still enrolled in high school.

Support for Developing Communities

Students spend the mornings working with locals to help build or repair houses, apartments, schools, and more. During this time, youth get the chance to talk with locals about their culture. In the afternoons, the group takes education excursions outward to learn more about the culture.


We work hard to ensure the safety and wellbeing for students and chaperones. Click the link below to see commonly asked questions from past participants:

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“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

– Aesop